Friday, November 11, 2016

Nov 10, 2016

By Ruth Hill
Ruth is a poet with a lot of interest in nature.

Trump and his voters are deplorable. I am very depressed about it. The media covered NOTHING about the Republican gerrymandering that took place to get majorities in each district. It said NOTHING about closing 15 polling stations in democratic areas of North Carolina. Podesta’s campaign strategy was all wrong for defeating Trump. Hillary did not argue logical arguments from a position of strength and confidence. Hillary unfortunately projects the expectation of rejection, because she has been rejected twice before, in marriage and primaries. In order to win, PERSONALITY counts. A lot of people found her unlikable for her mean lecture style and not her emails. Bernie drew large crowds because they were using modern social media better. Also his personality was great, everybody’s favorite grandpa. But he used two catch phrases people were frightened of: revolution and free college (how will it be paid for?). Democratic superdelegates stacked for Hilary 4-8 years ago have to be ELIMINATED. Republican obstructionism must be made illegal  Both parties must groom new blood more acceptable to concerned citizenry. High schoolers must be taught to resist negative campaign style, so they are not so easily deceived. Above all the “Christian evangelist caliphate” of the rural areas that is teaching there is no separation of church and state, that church should rule the state, must have the historical persecution reasons for the US secular constitution explained to them. There is lots of work to do. The country is falling apart at the party seam.