Monday, December 31, 2007
eternal notes crashing into unwilling surfaces
by Justin Hyde
Justin Hyde lives in Iowa, where he attempts to rehabilitate criminals. He can be contacted at jjjjhyde@yahoo.com. Justn appears more than once in "Enthalpy."
the trucker in a booth behind me flirting with a
woman in cleavland ohio on a headset phone and
finger-fucking a woman in dekalb illinois on his laptop while
his wife in yankton south dakota
folds laundry
listening to karen carpenter and
praying for her daughter
living with a paroled arsonist
who beats her
and the waitress just refilled my coffee,
there is a new bruise behind her ear, and
the sky will never come crashing down;
god's wrath is
a rubber snake on a summer roof
and this wooden indian with two flasks in his coat pocket
is lashed to the four winds
drowning in the
curse of sight.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
I remember you on tip-toes
by Dan FloreDan is 29 years old. He does poetry workshops for people with serious mental illness, lives In Pennsylvania. Dan has several poems in "Enthalpy."
come to me
I dream
but touch nothing
only you remember
the forgotten hymns
could you sing one to me
like the night
hasn't froze
deep in my stomach?
I am a silent drum
a cloud
that hovers
against starlight
my eyes gasp
I remember you on tip-toes
can you reach for me now
before I melt
into the river?
Thursday, December 27, 2007
The Stroke
It came to me almost in a vision that the victim of a stroke may see the event as a miracle and may see themselves as travelling far away to a world without others.
Part of last night
was a miracle. I
felt the shiver
of change. My head
lifted and the sky
was not the morning
on the earth.
I know how you
watch each other
and listen for words
and wait, but I
am going on a
journey beyond that.
My departure is now
and I don't care.
Away, everything is
new and mine, so I nod
only agreeably and
look away. I will
no longer satisfy,
transformed am I
into a far flung
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
The Finality Of Sparrows
J.R.Pearson is a poet living and writing in Dalton Gardens, Idaho. He has published a few choice pieces of writing forthcoming online as well as in print from The Cherry Blossom Review, Dogzplot, Ditch, & The Indie Underground. Much of his poetry can be found here: J.R. Pearson .
This poem was recently published in "Ditch." It is used with the poet's kind permission.
"I love it."--Don.
It is enough for the woman to be
a pallid barn in Ohio.
Leaning over
...........wheat fields,
watching the sun lift
and moon descend,
like sinking ships,
their path a bright wheelbarrow rut.
The farmer formerly
housed his tractor
in her body.
Now her paint bakes
dandelions grow up & burst
with bubbles,
and the whole countryside quickens.
Maple & Oak blink autumn on & off
in field-lit neon,
crabgrass rockets from the earth
to an immediate white out,
snow haunts the scene as an attic,
boards bend & ache
to match the withheld horror
of petrified spruce.
Her roof leaks a fine light
shivering cobwebs on a space
where something once stood.
In morning
the farmer finds
her beams collapsed over
the fields,
...............ghost gone
......in arcs of
Monday, December 10, 2007
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Why I Am So Smarmy
I go ga ga over girls.
I don't know what to call them.
Girls are in
the audience of all my nightmares.
I ran away from girls
when I was just starting to feel their tug,
even though
they never chased me.